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Mendoza, Argentina - July 2014

Back in March, 2014, during a meeting (ENVIRO 2014) held at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory, my PhD advisor, Dr. Donald Sparks, who gave a talk at the meeting, and I went out to taste some wines. Following up with the sommelier's choice, we had a Susana Balbo, 2010, by Dominio del Plata winery. This was the trigger for me to book my trip to Mendoza, to drink their outstanding wines the closest I could from the source.


Please note: being a soil scientists is so much fun!. Besides doing great science, we have a great taste for the finest wines, too.

At Dominio del Plata winery

Front view of Dominio del Plata winery. Inspiring.

Lunch at Dominio del Plata winery

Having this delicious pork for lunch with great wines and great people along.

At Dominio del Plata winery

At Dominio del Plata winery

Lunch at Familia Zuccardi winery

At Familia Zuccardi winery

Tour at Lopez winery

At Lopez winery. Perhaps, the biggest winery I visited in Mendoza. 

Tour at Florio winery

At Florio winery. A boutique winery.

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